Inteferential Stimulation

Unlocking the Power of Interferential Current for Enhanced Healing

What is Interferential Current Therapy?

Interferential current (IFC) therapy is a cutting-edge treatment used in physical therapy to alleviate pain and accelerate the healing process. It involves the use of a mid-frequency electrical current that penetrates deep into the tissues, providing pain relief and promoting recovery.

IFC is typically used for patients experiencing various kinds of pain, including:

When is it Used?

  • Muscle Spasms
  • Post-surgical Pain
  • Joint Injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Soft Tissue Injuries

Benefits of Interferential Current

  • Tissue Penetration: IFC reaches deeper layers of muscle, offering more effective pain relief compared to traditional electrical stimulation.
  • Pain Reduction: It helps in reducing pain by interfering with the pain signals sent to the brain.
  • Increased Blood Flow: IFC therapy enhances blood circulation, crucial for healing and reducing inflammation.
  • Reduced Muscle Spasms: It relaxes muscle spasms, providing comfort and improving mobility.
  • Safe and Non-invasive: A safe alternative to pain medications and invasive procedures.
    Why Do Our Physical Therapists Use Interferential Current?

IFC therapy should be a part of physical therapy treatment because it:

  • Offers a non-pharmaceutical approach to pain management.
  • Enhances the body’s natural healing process.
  • Is adaptable to treat a wide range of conditions.
  • Improves patient comfort and therapy outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is IFC Therapy Painful?

  • No, most patients experience a tingling sensation, but it’s generally not painful.

How Long Does a Session Last?

  • A typical session lasts about 10-20 minutes, depending on the condition being treated.

Can IFC Therapy be Used with Other Treatments?

  • Yes, IFC is often used in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches for comprehensive care.

Are There Any Side Effects?

  • IFC is generally safe with minimal side effects. Some patients may experience slight skin irritation.

How Many Sessions are Needed?

  • The number of sessions varies based on individual conditions and response to therapy.

Contact Us Today To Learn More About How Interferential Current May Be A Part Of A Comprehensive Physical Therapy Treatment Plan

Call Us At (732) 246-0665.